Filing Requirements
Trademark Application (Requirements)
- A Power of Attorney signed by the applicant company’s representative and legalized by any Iranian Consulate abroad
- Certified copy of the extract from the commercial register is required.
Or a notarized copy of the Commercial extract
- Scanned copy of priority documents (if claimed).
• Please note that certified color copy of the applicant’s passport will be required for filing a trademark in the name an individual.
Trademark Application (required Information)
1. Name of Applicant
2. Address of Applicant
3. Legal Type of company
4. Registration Number of Company;
a. for U.S applicants, company tax number also required
5. Sample of trademark in JPG
6. Please indicate the color that should be claimed
• Note: If black & white, device in JPG format, must be in black & white
7. Goods and Services with the related Serial Number must be provided (approved by the IIPO list of goods attached)
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